
ESLint is an open source project that depends on contributions from the community. Anyone may contribute to the project at any time by submitting code, participating in discussions, making suggestions, or any other contribution they see fit. This document describes how various types of contributors work within the ESLint project.

Roles and Responsibilities


Users are community members who have a need for the project. Anyone can be a User; there are no special requirements. Common User contributions include evangelizing the project (e.g., display a link on a website and raise awareness through word-of-mouth), informing developers of strengths and weaknesses from a new user perspective, or providing moral support (a “thank you” goes a long way).

Users who continue to engage with the project and its community will often become more and more involved. Such Users may find themselves becoming Contributors, as described in the next section.


Contributors are community members who contribute in concrete ways to the project, most often in the form of code and/or documentation. Anyone can become a Contributor, and contributions can take many forms. There is no expectation of commitment to the project, no specific skill requirements, and no selection process.

Contributors have read-only access to source code and so submit changes via pull requests. Contributor pull requests have their contribution reviewed and merged by a TSC member. TSC members and Committers work with Contributors to review their code and prepare it for merging.

As Contributors gain experience and familiarity with the project, their profile within, and commitment to, the community will increase. At some stage, they may find themselves being nominated for committership by an existing Committer.


Committers are community members who have shown that they are committed to the continued development of the project through ongoing engagement with the community. Committers are given push access to the project’s GitHub repos and must abide by the project’s Contribution Guidelines.


To become a Committer:

New Committers can be nominated by any existing Committer. Once they have been nominated, there will be a vote by the TSC members.

It is important to recognize that committership is a privilege, not a right. That privilege must be earned and once earned it can be removed by the TSC members by a standard TSC motion. However, under normal circumstances committership exists for as long as the Committer wishes to continue engaging with the project.

A Committer who shows an above-average level of contribution to the project, particularly with respect to its strategic direction and long-term health, may be nominated to become a TSC member, described below.

Process for Adding Committers

  1. Add the GitHub user to the “ESLint Team” team
  2. Send welcome email with link to maintainer guide
  3. Add committer email to the ESLint team mailing list
  4. Add committer to the README
  5. Invite to Gitter team chatroom
  6. Tweet congratulations to the new committer from the ESLint Twitter account

Technical Steering Committee (TSC)

The ESLint project is jointly governed by a Technical Steering Committee (TSC) which is responsible for high-level guidance of the project.

The TSC has final authority over this project including:

TSC seats are not time-limited. There is no fixed size of the TSC. The TSC should be of such a size as to ensure adequate coverage of important areas of expertise balanced with the ability to make decisions efficiently.

The TSC may add additional members to the TSC by a standard TSC motion.

A TSC member may be removed from the TSC by voluntary resignation, or by a standard TSC motion.

Changes to TSC membership should be posted in the agenda, and may be suggested as any other agenda item (see “TSC Meetings” below).

No more than 1/3 of the TSC members may be affiliated with the same employer. If removal or resignation of a TSC member, or a change of employment by a TSC member, creates a situation where more than 1/3 of the TSC membership shares an employer, then the situation must be immediately remedied by the resignation or removal of one or more TSC members affiliated with the over-represented employer(s).

TSC members have additional responsibilities over and above those of a Committer. These responsibilities ensure the smooth running of the project. TSC members are expected to review code contributions, approve changes to this document, manage the copyrights within the project outputs, and attend regular TSC meetings.

TSC members fulfill all requirements of Committers, and also:

To become a TSC member:

A Committer is invited to become a TSC member by existing TSC members. A nomination will result in discussion and then a decision by the TSC.

Process for Adding TSC Members

  1. Add the GitHub user to the “ESLint TSC” team
  2. Set the GitHub user to be have the “Owner” role for the ESLint organization
  3. Send welcome email with link to maintainer guide
  4. Add the TSC member to the README
  5. Invite to the Gitter TSC chatroom
  6. Make the TSC member an admin on the ESLint team mailing list
  7. Add the TSC member to the recurring TSC meeting event on Google Calendar
  8. Add the TSC member as an admin to ESLint Twitter Account on Tweetdeck
  9. Tweet congratulations to the new TSC member from the ESLint Twitter account

TSC Meetings

The TSC meets every other week in the TSC Meeting chatroom. The meeting is run by a designated moderator approved by the TSC.

Items are added to the TSC agenda which are considered contentious or are modifications of governance, contribution policy, TSC membership, or release process.

The intention of the agenda is not to approve or review all patches. That should happen continuously on GitHub and be handled by the larger group of Committers.

Any community member or committer can ask that something be added to the next meeting’s agenda by logging a GitHub Issue. Anyone can add the item to the agenda by adding the “tsc agenda” tag to the issue.

Prior to each TSC meeting, the moderator will share the Agenda with members of the TSC. TSC members can add any items they like to the agenda at the beginning of each meeting. The moderator and the TSC cannot veto or remove items.

No binding votes on TSC agenda items can take place without a quorum of TSC members present in the meeting. Quorum is achieved when more than half of the TSC members are present.

The TSC may invite persons or representatives from certain projects to participate in a non-voting capacity.

The moderator is responsible for summarizing the discussion of each agenda item and sending it as a pull request after the meeting.

Consensus Seeking Process

The TSC follows a Consensus Seeking decision making model.

When an agenda item has appeared to reach a consensus, the moderator will ask “Does anyone object?” as a final call for dissent from the consensus.

If an agenda item cannot reach a consensus, a TSC member can call for either a closing vote or a vote to table the issue to the next meeting. The call for a vote must be approved by a majority of the TSC or else the discussion will continue. Simple majority wins.

This work is a derivative of YUI Contributor Model and the Node.js Project Governance Model.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.