Working with Custom Formatters

Writing an ESlint custom formatter is simple. All that is needed is a module that exports a function that will receive the results from the execution of ESLint.

The simplest formatter will be something like:

module.exports = function (results) {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(results, null, 2));

And to run eslint with this custom formatter:

eslint -f './my-awesome-formatter.js' src/

The output of the previous command will be something like this

        "filePath": "path/to/file.js",
        "messages": [
                "ruleId": "curly",
                "severity": 2,
                "message": "Expected { after 'if' condition.",
                "line": 2,
                "column": 1,
                "nodeType": "IfStatement",
                "source": "if (err) console.log('failed tests: ' + err);"
                "ruleId": "no-process-exit",
                "severity": 2,
                "message": "Don't use process.exit(); throw an error instead.",
                "line": 3,
                "column": 1,
                "nodeType": "CallExpression",
                "source": "process.exit(1);"
        "errorCount": 2,
        "warningCount": 0,
        "source": "var err = doStuff();\nif (err) console.log('failed tests: ' + err);\nprocess.exit(1);\n"
        "filePath": "Gruntfile.js",
        "messages": [],
        "errorCount": 0,
        "warningCount": 0

As you can see the argument passed to the custom formatter function is just a list of results objects.

Description of the results

the result object

You will receive a result object from each file eslint validates, each one of them containing the list of messages for errors and/or warnings.

The following are the fields of the result object:

The message object

Please note: the source property will be removed from the message object in an upcoming breaking release. If you depend on this property, you should now use the source or output properties from the result object instead.


Summary formatter

A formatter that only cares about the total count of errors and warnings will look like this:

module.exports = function ( results ) {
    var results = results || [ ];

    // accumulate the errors and warnings
    var summary = results.reduce( function ( seq, current ) {
        seq.errors += current.errorCount;
        seq.warnings += current.warningCount;
        return seq;
    }, { errors: 0, warnings: 0 } );

    if ( summary.errors > 0 || summary.warnings > 0 ) {
        console.log( 'Errors: ' + summary.errors + ', Warnings: ' + summary.warnings + '\n' );

Running eslint with the previous custom formatter,

eslint -f './my-awesome-formatter.js' src/

Will produce the following output:

Errors: 2, Warnings: 4

Detailed formatter

A more complex report will look something like this:

module.exports = function ( results ) {
    var results = results || [ ];

    var summary = results.reduce( function ( seq, current ) {

        current.messages.forEach( function ( msg ) {
            var logMessage = {
                filePath: current.filePath,
                ruleId: msg.ruleId,
                message: msg.message,
                line: msg.line,
                column: msg.column,
                source: msg.source

            if ( msg.severity === 1 ) {
                logMessage.type = 'warning';
                seq.warnings.push( logMessage );
            if ( msg.severity === 2 ) {
                logMessage.type = 'error';
                seq.errors.push( logMessage );
        } );
        return seq;
    }, {
        errors: [],
        warnings: []
    } );

    if ( summary.errors.length > 0 || summary.warnings.length > 0 ) {
        var lines = summary.errors.concat( summary.warnings ).map( function ( msg ) {
            return '\n' + msg.type + ' ' + msg.ruleId + '\n  ' + msg.filePath + ':' + msg.line + ':' + msg.column;
        } ).join( '\n' );

        return lines + '\n';

So running eslint with this custom formatter:

eslint -f './my-awesome-formatter.js' src/

The output will be

error space-infix-ops
error semi
warning no-unused-vars
warning no-unused-vars
warning no-shadow
warning no-unused-vars

Passing arguments to formatters:

Using environment variables:

Let’s say we want to show only the messages that are actual errors and discard the warnings.

module.exports = function ( results ) {
    var skipWarnings = process.env.AF_SKIP_WARNINGS === 'true'; //af stands for awesome-formatter

    var results = results || [ ];
    var summary = results.reduce( function ( seq, current ) {
        current.messages.forEach( function ( msg ) {
            var logMessage = {
                filePath: current.filePath,
                ruleId: msg.ruleId,
                message: msg.message,
                line: msg.line,
                column: msg.column,
                source: msg.source

            if ( msg.severity === 1 ) {
                logMessage.type = 'warning';
                seq.warnings.push( logMessage );
            if ( msg.severity === 2 ) {
                logMessage.type = 'error';
                seq.errors.push( logMessage );
        } );
        return seq;
    }, {
        errors: [],
        warnings: []
    } );

    if ( summary.errors.length > 0 || summary.warnings.length > 0 ) {
        var warnings = !skipWarnings ? summary.warnings : [ ]; // skip the warnings in that case

        var lines = summary.errors.concat( warnings ).map( function ( msg ) {
            return '\n' + msg.type + ' ' + msg.ruleId + '\n  ' + msg.filePath + ':' + msg.line + ':' + msg.column;
        } ).join( '\n' );

        return lines + '\n';

So running eslint with this custom formatter:

AF_SKIP_WARNINGS=true eslint -f './my-awesome-formatter.js' src/

The output will not print the warnings

error space-infix-ops

error semi

Using a JSON formatter first

It is a bit more complicated, but using a simple formatter we can get the raw output to stdout

// json.js
module.exports = function ( results ) {
    console.log( JSON.stringify( results ) );

And then the formatter can read from stdin

eslint -f './json.js' | ./my-awesome-formatter-cli.js --skip-warnings

And the content of my-awesome-formatter-cli.js would be something like:

#!/usr/bin/env node
var stdin = process.stdin;
var stdout = process.stdout;
var strChunks = [ ];

stdin.setEncoding( 'utf8' );

stdin.on( 'data', function ( chunk ) {
    strChunks.push( chunk );
} );

stdin.on( 'end', function () {
    var inputJSON = strChunks.join();
    var eslintResults = JSON.parse( inputJSON );
    var skipWarnings = process.argv.indexOf( '--skip-warnings' ) > -1;

    var result = require( './my-awesome-formatter' )( eslintResults, {
        skipWarnings: skipWarnings
    } );

    stdout.write( result );
} );

Final words

More complex formatters could be written by grouping differently the errors and warnings and/or grouping the data by the ruleIds.

When printing the files a recommended format will be something like this:


Since that allows modern fancy terminals (like iTerm2 or Guake) to make them link to files that open in your favorite text editor.